This is important for those who have dealings in the employment tribunal system.

A new Practice Statement issued by the Senior President of Tribunals authorises Legal Officers to carry out various judicial functions in employment tribunals.

It allows Legal Officers (who will have had some legal training but are not qualified lawyers) to carry out certain functions previously carried out only by judges, including:


  • Extending (or shortening) time limits for steps within litigation (but not for bringing a claim)
  • Applications to amend ET1s or ET3s where the other side does not object
  • Postponing a hearing, unless the hearing is within 7 days, or there have been two previous postponements granted to the same party
  • Deciding the scope of a preliminary hearing, where the other side does not object
  • Dismissing a claim following withdrawal by the Claimant

Note that any party also has the right to request that a Legal Officer’s decision is reviewed by an Employment Judge, provided the request is made within 14 days.