Qu. Why was aiMac-hr employment law consultancy launched in 2020?
Ans. To provide clients with exceptional value and quality strategic HR and employment law advice which saves both time and money!

Qu. Why is aiMac-hr different to its competitors?
Ans. Because it is owned and run by a personable but vastly experienced employment lawyer (over 30 years in practice) who can spot the pitfalls a mile off through having handled a huge range and number of cases and appeared as an advocate in just about every UK employment tribunal!

Qu. Why has aiMac-hr grown so rapidly and why are clients choosing us?
Ans. Because we solve problems quickly and efficiently and provide the best “prevention is better than cure” service available on the market!

Qu. What do clients who switch to aiMac-hr consistently tell us they have experienced with other providers?
Ans. 1. An inability to prevent and solve problems 2. A failure to improve the client’s business and profit margins 3. High costs and slow delivery 4. A lack of legal knowledge 5. Not enough commercial strategic advice!

Qu. How can your business benefit from aiMac-hr’s legal expertise?
Ans. Call us now on 07921 938675 and find out!

We look forward to speaking with you.